The science
Is Fhirst actually healthy?
We are used to this question; people say it just sounds too good to be true, a healthy soda that actually tastes good. Especially when a lot of those ‘healthier’ soda variants (you know the type, zero or sugar-free) actually use artificial sweeteners, which are more and more linked and associated with negative health effects, including weight gain and obesity. Our secret is simple: pure and natural ingredients without sugar or any sweetener. On top we add 5g of prebiotic fibre, 2 billion of probiotic cultures (the good bacteria) and zinc to boost your physical and mental health.

The science of the taste
So we got sugar sorted, but what about the taste? We spent two years of uncountable kitchen recipes and stability tests to ensure that we got the taste right. Taking classic drinks you love, like a Dr Pepper or Sprite, and creating a delicious healthy variant of it (Cherry Vanilla or a zesty Lemon Lime). Plus, our natural ingredients and juices mean that FHIRST doesn’t have that obvious overly-sweet taste that other sugar-loaded or sweetened drinks might have.

Why focus on the gut?
A lot of fizzy drinks leave you feeling lower energy after a few hours or don’t sit well on your stomach. By supplying probiotics and prebiotics (the healthy bacteria and the food that feeds them), FHIRST nourishes your gut, making it great for digestion and giving it the means to boost your immunity and brain health. Why? Because the gut is where 70% of our immune system is located, where key hormones like dopamine and serotonin (our happy hormones) are created, and vitamins and nutrients are absorbed.

But is it actually good for your gut?
It’s all well and good highlighting the 5g of prebiotic fibre and 2 billion live bacteria, but it means nothing if it doesn’t actually reach your gut (which is the case for a lot of so-called gut-friendly products).
So we ran an in vitro digestion study and proved that over 90% of our probiotic cultures survive after exposure to the most challenging digestive conditions. In addition, our fibre mix doesn’t convert into sugar after production or during its shelf life (which can be the case for some fibre like chicory inulin). Long story short: it’s really good for your gut.